Jan 22, 2009

Why we exist

From the City of Albany's website:

Have your say on major funding

You are invited to have your say on spending priorities for $1.57 million in Royalties for Regions funding from the State Government. The City of Albany Council will consider project options at its February meeting and public input is welcome. The funds are available for infrastructure only, such as roads, paths and community facilities, and cannot be used for events, programs, plant purchase or debt retirement. Submit your preferred project priorities or suggest new projects that would benefit the community. Comments must be received by Friday 23 January.

Jane (Mouritz) and Jon (Doust) got thinking, and invited other Middleton Beach users to do the same... together!

The first forum was held at the Albany Surf Club on Middleton beach (where else!), and attended by 37 people, with all sorts of ideas about what more money could do for the best beach in WA.

And from the meeting this letter was submitted to the City of Albany Council.